Artist Statement
Anne-Britt Kristiansen is a full time freelance artist living in Oslo. She works with paintings, photography and graphics.
Anne-Britt’s main passion lies in capturing the human condition in unique, challenging situations.
She takes photos she likes. She photographs her own life experience. “I aim at taking snapshots of space and time. Catching the world of feelings and emotions. We are creatures of love and pain who can pass from emotional devastation to the state of complete bliss. I want to share my experience of the world and how I see it.”
Her paintings is often inspired by her own photos or autobiographical material from her own family photo album. She is fascinated with the retrospective glance.
Getting inspiration from her photos and using that for her paintings, that picture has the opportunity to change from its original form while simultaneously pointing back to its origin. The finished painting can bring about traces of recognition of a scene from the viewer’s own family album or memories. She seeks to evoke an empathy the viewer can mirror themselves.
“I am a tirelessly curious world wanderer. My main passion lies in capturing the human condition in unique, challenging situations.”
Anne-Britt’s art has a collage of impulses from the fantasy world of the subconscious mind. She is preoccupied by the border between dream and reality, specifically the art of relinquishing control of one’s rationality and giving up to the free flow of impulses from the subconscious.
The common denominator of Anne-Britt’s art is that she tries to show parts or fragments of something allowing the viewer to put his or her own story in her art. She suggests scenes we can recall having seen or experienced, moments that disappeared and unclear memories. By using disaggregated blurred lines, reshuffling sequences and switching between external and internal barriers she finds a tension between the abstract and figurative.
2013-14 Scholarship Norwegian Printmakers
2013 Nontoxic Printmaking Workshop Keith Howard and Bernice Cross
2012 Photopolymer Norwegian Printmakers
2012 Workshop Lisboa and Cascais. Graphics and drawing DTK
2011 Workshop London. The Royal Academy of Art School
2011 Photo workshop. Chairing and curated by Marco Delogu (Italy) and Guy Tillim (South Africa)
2010 Screen print. Norwegian Printmakers Tutored by Victoria M Fuhr
2009 Gravure I, drypoint and etching. Gravure II, aquatint. Gravure III, color graphics Norwegian Printmakers. Tutored by Leong Va
2009 Tutored by Bente Bøyesen and Esther Bjørneboe under the auspices of Galleri Semmingsen
2009 Photo- Litho Norwegian Printmakers. Tutored by Kari Hauge
2009 Lithography 1 and 2. Norwegian Printmakers. Tutored by Kari Hauge
2008 Photo Workshop Italia, Tutored by Morten Krogvold
2002-2005 Oslo Interdisciplinary Art Institute. Higher professional degree. Advanced Art Study
2003-2007 The Gorbachev Foundation Official Photographer World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates
2002 Clowns sans Frontier. Official Photographer visiting 11 Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan
2001 Project leader Kajak Television AB Stockholm and freelance photographer.
1997-2000 Production Manager Median A/S Travel Vision A/S Live news and information channel on moving objects. Arlandabanan
1997 Channel Gøteborg Eklundgruppen Production Manager BLN Television Editorial
1993-1996 Project Leader/Production Manager TVNorge
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2021 Galleri Heuch
2021 Galleri A three directions
2020 GalleriKA16
2017 Town Hall Gallery
2015 Galleri Skallum
2014 Town Hall Gallery
2013 Galleri FN 7
2012 Hospice Stabekk
2011 Det Gule Gallery Stavern
2011 Spydeberg Art Association
Selected Collective Exhibitions
2021 Galleri A
2021 Galleri Heuch
2020 Galleri A
2020 Galleri Heike Arndt Berlin/Inselgalerie Berlin
2020 GalleriKA16
2019 Gallery Grafikk i Väst, Sweden
2018 Oslo Open
2017 Oslo Open
2017 Gallery Schaeffersgate 5. Magie Noir
2016 Oslo Open
2015 ONGallery Limited London England
2014 BKiB Bærum Art Association - PUST Curated by BKIB
2014 Oslo Fjord Art Center
2013 Bærum Art Association - Byrom og andre rom - Curated
2013 Town Hall Gallery
2012 Oppegård Art Association
2011 PHC Capalbio Fotografia Photo Exhibition - Curated by South African photographer and winner of the Henri Cartier Bresson prize - Guy Tillim and Director of the Italian cultural Institute of London - Marco Delogu
2010 Town Hall Gallery
2008 Pietrasanta Italia Photo Exhibition - Curated by Morten Krogvold
2004-5 Bærum Culture House
2003-5 Oslo Interdisciplinary Art Institute
2003 Town Hall Gallery
2013-14 Scholarship Norwegian Printmakers
2015 OnGallery Limited
2015 Foodtech Gruppen A/S
2013 NRK Norwegian National Broadcasting
2012 SAS Scandinavian Airlines Norway – Art Association
2012 Global Network Systems AS
2010 Carat Advertising Company
2010 Agis Media Norge
Public commision
2015 Foodtech Gruppen A/S
2015 2 . prize - Refugees Welcome to Norway - Radical portal Ny Tid
2004 Man for peace - Imagini dai Summit - Gorbachev Foundation
2004 Magasinet Dagbladet - Front cover and story - Clowns sans Frontier
2003 Clowns sans Frontier - Jái 10 ans
2003 Man for Peace - Imagini dai Summit - Gorbachev Foundation